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Our reviews

(231 Reviews)
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February 15, 2023
It used to be you got a 10% discount for take-out food pickup but now you get defaulted to a $5.00 tip instead. Not unique to Star Lake but still annoying after watching per dish prices go up 30% in the past few years.

February 13, 2023
Very good crispy ginger beef!

February 11, 2023
The food was hot and tasty, only problem was that we ordered deep fried prawns but received deep fried chicken balls, which actually pretty good.
Will order again

February 10, 2023
Good option for Canadian Chinese food. I would recommend.

February 07, 2023
Very tasty

February 01, 2023
10/10 best Chinese around town.

January 31, 2023
We have been having a hard time finding Chinese food in Langley that we loved. Today we ordered from Star Lake due to recommendations on our local FB page and we simply were not disappointed. Absolutely delicious and we will continue to purchase from them.

January 26, 2023
Another great meal. Thanks.

January 24, 2023
Absolutely delicious as usual. Dependable.

January 22, 2023
Great food always delicious